Concise Minutes - Remuneration Board

Meeting Venue:

External Location

Meeting date: Thursday, 15 September 2016

Meeting time: 09. - 17.00





Assembly Members:

Rt Hon Dame Dawn Primarolo (Chair)

Trevor Reaney

Michael Redhouse

Dame Jane Roberts


Adrian Crompton, Director of Assembly Business

Anna Daniel, Head of Strategic Transformation

Carys Evans, Head of Member Liaison and Professional Development

Rebecca Hardwicke, Members' HR Business Partner

Roger Dobson, Facilitator

Ben Shimshon, Britain Thinks

Committee Staff:

Daniel Collier (Deputy Clerk)



1       Item for decision: The security of Assembly Members and their staff


1.1     The Board considered a paper outlining a review of security provision in all Constituency/Regional Offices, which was being carried out by the Assembly Police Unit and the Assembly Commission’s Security team. The review was in response to advice from the Wales Counter Terrorism Unit, and in line with similar activity in England.


1.2     The Board considered the financial support for security provisions currently in place and highlighted a number of actions that could be taken to enhance security for Members and their staff when away from the Assembly estate, in light of the Assembly Commission’s decision to review security arrangements at Members’ offices.


1.3     The Board agreed that the security of AMs was a high priority and that any matters that fall into the remit of the Board should be addressed as a matter of priority. The Board emphasised that, following the tragic death of Jo Cox MP, there was greater urgency to review existing security measures.


1.4     The Board agreed that it would need to ensure that measures to help protect Members would be effectively resourced.


1.5     The Board agreed to remove the existing requirement for the first £500 of office related security to be met from the individual AM’s Office Costs from the Determination. The Board agreed to create a ring-fenced fund which would provide necessary and reasonable security enhancements for Assembly Members in their offices, residential accommodation and their homes.


1.6     The Board noted that the security review undertaken by qualified officers identifies enhancements that ‘must’ take place, ‘should’ take place and ‘could’ take place.  All enhancements that ‘must’ and ‘should’ take place will be funded by the Assembly Commission. However, the Board agreed that those enhancements that ‘could’ take place would be subject to a business case from Assembly Members.




2       Item for decision: Consideration of responses to the consultation on the remuneration of Committee Chairs


2.1     The Board considered responses to its consultation on the remuneration of Committee Chairs via email following the formal Board meeting. The Board agreed that the salary levels for Committee Chairs should be maintained.


2.2     The Board noted that the responsibilities of the new External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee would be as significant as those of the other Policy and Legislation Committees. Therefore, the Board agreed that the chair of this Committee should receive the higher of the two additional salaries.


2.3     As is the case for the pay of Members and all Office Holders, the Board agreed that additional salaries for Committee Chairs would be adjusted in April of each year by the change in the ASHE Median Earnings in Wales, between March and March of the previous year.


2.4     The Board agreed that the salary of Chairs of the new Committees would be backdated from the date they were elected to their roles.




3       Our Strategy


3.1     The Board held a strategy day to prioritise areas of work for the remainder of the Board’s mandate and in preparation for the Sixth Assembly.


3.2     The strategy day was facilitated by Roger Dobson, an expert in Human Resources, and Ben Shimshon from Britain Thinks.


3.3     In discussion the Board considered its strategic goals and developed an ambitious set of priorities focused on consultation, engagement, and evidence gathering.


3.4 The Board agreed to develop a strategy document which set out its principles, priorities and objectives for the Fifth Assembly, focusing on creating a Determination that is fit for the Sixth Assembly.





4       Visits to the constituency offices of Assembly Members in north Wales


Friday 16 September 2016:


4.1     The Board visited a selection of AMs in north Wales to get a better understanding of the challenges faced by AMs in their constituency offices, the work carried out by AMSS, and to have a general discussion to provide the board with more contextual information.


4.2     The Board would use this evidence to inform their strategy over the course of the Fifth Assembly.

